International conferences for UD Latest articles

IAUD receives Barrier Free Promotion-Contributor Award Images

IAUD receives Barrier Free Promotion-Contributor Award

The Cabinet Office recognizes individuals and organizations demonstrating outstanding achievements and services in promoting barrier-free universal designs. The ceremony for the FY2011 Barrier-Free Promotion Contributor Awards was held on Friday, December 9, 2011 at the Grand Hall of the Prime Minister’s official residence. In recognition of its contribution to universal design, IAUD received the Minister of State Encouragement Award.

2011.12.16 Updated

New about 4th International Conference for Universal Design 2012 and the 5th International Conference for Universal Design 2014

The International Association for Universal Design is planning to hold the 4th International Conference for Universal Design 2012 and the 5th International Conference for Universal Design 2014 in the autumn of the respective years. At present IAUD is soliciting proposals for conference plans and venues and invites municipal government wishing to hold the conference in their localities to show expressions of interest.
* Applications for the 4th International Conference for Universal Design 2012 closed on July 29.

2011.05.19 Updated

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