- Nov. 2002
- International Conference for Universal Design in Japan 2002 (Yokohama)
- Nov. 2003
- International Association for Universal Design established as a voluntary organization
- Dec. 2004
- Designing For The 21st Century III (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Oct. 2006
- The 2nd International Conference for Universal Design in KYOTO 2006
- Oct. 2010
- The 3rd International Conference for Universal Design in HAMAMATSU 2010
- Oct. 2012
- The 4th International Conference for Universal Design in FUKUOKA 2012
- Jun. 2013
- International Association for Universal Design incorporated as a general incorporated foundation
- Nov. 2014
- The 5th International Conference for Universal Design in FUKUSHIMA & TOKYO 2014
- Dec. 2016
- The 6th International Conference for Universal Design in Nagoya 2016
- Mar. 2019
- The 7th International Conference for Universal Design in Bangkok 2019
IAUD established as a
voluntary organization
Designing For The 21st
Century III
The 2nd International
Conference for Universal
Design in KYOTO 2006