International conferences for UD Latest articles

Participation reports by Executive Director Kawahara and Director Oshima on the INCLUDE ASIA 2013 conference held in Hong Kong Images

Participation reports by Executive Director Kawahara and Director Oshima on the INCLUDE ASIA 2013 conference held in Hong Kong

Organized by the Hong Kong Design Center, and jointly sponsored by the Royal College of Art's Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Include Asia 2013 was held on July 2(Tue)-3(Wed) 2013, at Hong Kong's Hotel Icon. Executive Director Keiji Kawahara and Director Makoto Oshima, who is in charge of International Cooperation at the Information Exchange Center, were invited and gave lectures and workshops.

2013.10.01 Updated

Report on Knowledge of Design Week 2012 Images

Report on Knowledge of Design Week 2012

The Knowledge of Design Week (KODW2012), hosted by Hong Kong Design Center, was held between the 25th to-29th of June at the Hotel ICON in Hong Kong. Mr.Keiji Kawahara (Executive Director of the International Association for Universal Design) delivered a keynote speech and participated in two workshops. This report was prepared by Mr.Kawahara.

2013.07.29 Updated

IAUD Awards 2012 Review and Citations Images

IAUD Awards 2012 Review and Citations

As Chair of the Selection Committee I have been privileged to review some striking initiatives and inspiring products mapping out new directions for Universal Design, which together point to the remarkable preparedness and willingness of Japanese companies and individuals to tackle the wider international issues and social priorities that concern us all in these times of uncertainty.

2013.04.23 Updated

Announcement of IAUD Awards 2012 Winners Images

Announcement of IAUD Awards 2012 Winners

IAUD Awards 2012 had 34 entries from all over the world. The Awards Selection Committee judged the entries rigorously and impartially on October 2012 and they selected 11 awards winners. Special Award: H.I.H. Prince Tomohito Award, Grand Award, 5 Gold Awards and 4 Silver Awards.

2013.04.23 Updated

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