Organizational structure
The organizational structure of IAUD for its management and operation under the Patron and the President consists of the Council which approves operation plans and budget as well as the Board of Directors which is in charge of execution of operations. The activities in practice are conducted through Research & Development Division, Information Exchange Center and the relevant Committees established under the Board of Directors.
Research & Development Division
Through the works of the Division, we pursue UD in a total manner, undertaking projects beyond the framework of industry and business from such perspectives as food, clothing and housing, space, education and leisure, and create attractive products and services with the ultimate objective of achieving a society in which all the people can genuinely live their lives in comfort.
The organization consists of Projects (PJ) categorized by theme and Working Groups (WG) which conduct cross-sectional research.
Information Exchange Center
Information Exchange Center was established in 2008 in order to reorganize and strengthen the functions of receiving and disseminating UD related information including public relations and publication both in Japan and overseas and to further facilitate the activities and interaction by and among the members.
We take advantage of the results from research activities on broad themes concerning UD in various living scenes to encourage the spread of UD and promote joint business or research on model cases that go beyond the boundaries of particular industries and businesses. Along with establishing Research & Development Division to focus on research and development activities, we have also created Certification Committee, Workshop Committee and Joint Business Committee to promote activities in the respective areas.