Revised, Updated UD2006 Conference Proceedings - The 2nd International Conference for Universal Design in KYOTO 2006 It’s been more than a year since the Conference and after a long struggle in editing, we are pleased to inform you that the final Proceedings are ready for your perusal. 2009.08.08 Updated
A Collection of Keynote Addresses Ver. 1.0 The 2nd International Conference for Universal Design in KYOTO 2006 Let us introduce you the CD-ROM version of the remarkable collective addresses at the 2nd International Conference for Universal Design in KYOTO 2006. 2009.08.04 Updated
2021.03.04 Preliminary report on the 8th International Conference for Universal Design in the Cloud 2021
2021.02.11 The 8th International Conference for Universal Design in the Cloud 2021 -Seminar Series- Information