International conferences for UD Latest articles

Announcement of IAUD International Design Award 2020 Winners Images

Announcement of IAUD International Design Award 2020 Winners

IAUD International Design Award 2020 had 67 entries from all over the world. IAUD International Design Award 2020 Selection Committee judged the entries rigorously and impartially, and finally selected 1 Grand Award, 9 Gold Awards, 19 Silver Awards and 35 Bronze Awards.

2020.12.18 Updated

Cómo prevenir los rebrotes de Covid-19 Images

Cómo prevenir los rebrotes de Covid-19

COVID-19 sigue siendo una amenaza en todo el mundo.
En Japón, tenemos una acción para evitar situaciones de alto riesgo que la llamamos "Evitar los tres Cs":
Espacios Cerrados, Lugares Concurrido y Contactos Cercanos. IAUD quisiera presentarles esta acción para prevenir los rebrotes de COVID-19.

2020.08.05 Updated

How to Prevent a Widespread Outbreak Images

How to Prevent a Widespread Outbreak

The new coronavirus has still been a threat all over the world.
In Japan, we have an action for avoiding high-risk situations. We call it Avoid the “three Cs”: Closed spaces, Crowded places and Close-contact settings.
IAUD would like to introduce this action for preventing COVID-19 outbreaks.

2020.08.04 Updated

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