Application Requirements for IAUD International Design Award 2024

2024.05.24 Updated


MARK_IAUD International Design Award 2024


The IAUD International Design Awards were established in 2010 in order to promote and champion Universal Design by recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievements and in particular products, services and environments that ensure people of all ages and abilities can enjoy an active, independent and productive life, regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnicity, culture, ability, customs, religion or other factors.

The goal of IAUD and the Awards program is to foster social structures that are sustainable and universal, favour diversity and inclusion, ensure safety and promote human rights and responsibilities, encourage dialogue, collaboration and co-operation, and ensure the passing-on of appropriate knowledge and skills from one generation to the next.

Deadline for the 2nd selection: October 31, 2024

Applications for the 1st round of judging are now closed.



The judging criteria has been set by the IAUD International Design Award 2024 Selection Committee as follows;

  • Push the boundaries of Universal Design in new and exciting directions.
  • Prioritize high-quality user-based research, in particular direct engagement with disabled users and others at risk of being excluded from the market.
  • Consciously avoid exclusivity arising from innovations and new technologies, in particular for specific groups of users.
  • Go beyond conventional ‘usability’ by identifying specific problems relating to diverse groups of users and delivering solutions to them.
  • Demonstrate long-term corporate commitment to UD, supported by a company-wide vision and plan to ensure continuing improvement.
  • Are supported by honest and informative promotional material.
    (*Evidence is required to ensure that user studies and user evaluations have been carried out.)


All entries meeting essential standards of Universal Design will receive an IAUD International Design Award 2024 certificate and citation, be featured on the IAUD website and related publicity and will be granted use of the IAUD International Design Award 2024 Mark.

Outstanding entries will be recognised with Grand, Gold, Silver and Bronze awards presented at a special ceremony.


All corporations, organizations, individuals and groups, inside and outside Japan, engaged in innovative UD activities and proposals for achieving a sustainable, harmonious society through the promotion of new and improved concepts in town development, products, and systems are eligible to apply. Specific businesses, teams and other sub-units of corporations and organizations are also eligible. As long as the work or the example of an activity is the applicant’s own, it does not matter if it has already been published or presented elsewhere.

Topics / Categories

  1. Universal Design in General (Concept, Philosophy, etc.)
  2. Architecture / Regional Planning (Urban Development, Public Space, Parks, etc.)
  3. Tourism / Inclusive Culture/ Mobility (Public Transportation, Automobiles, etc.)
  4. Housing / Household Equipment / Interior Design
  5. Commodities / daily life products / Industrial Design
  6. Package Design / Fashion Design
  7. Information and Communications / Broadcasting and Mass Media / Graphic Design
  8. Software / System Design / Website Design / Interaction Design
  9. Ergonomics / Human Engineering / Sensory Engineering / Other Types of Engineering and Technology
  10. Health Care and Nursing / Hygiene and Sanitation / Social Welfare Services / Labor
  11. Environmental Protection / Ecology / Resources and Energy / Sustainable Design
  12. Education and Enlightenment / Ethics and Morality / Standards and Certification / Legislation
  13. Disaster Prevention and Rescue / Security and Public Safety / National Defense / International Goodwill / Development Assistance
  14. Protection of Human Rights / Administration of Justice / Mutualistic Society / Declining Birthrate and Aging / Gender Equality
  15. Dietary Education and Food / Agriculture and Forestry / Livestock Industry / Fishing Industry / Industrial Development
  16. Distribution / Currency and Finance / Insurance / etc.

Special Categories

A. Imaging the Future (Conceptual, not Realized Projects)
B. Student Design Challenge (Student Projects)
*Current students and those within twelve months of graduation are eligible.
*Exemption from payment of screening fees.


All entries will be thoroughly evaluated to ensure they meet one or more of the essential goals of the IAUD International Design Awards Program, and successful entries will go before the Jury Panel, who will make the final awards and citations.

Essential Goals of the IAUD International Design Awards Program:

  • Sustainable and Universal: The entry presents concepts and practices suitable for creating a sustainable, mutualistic society.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: The entry shows an understanding of the diversity of traditions, cultures, lifestyles and people, and does not exclude minorities but rather expressly includes them; and thus contributes to realizing a qualitatively rich and happy way of life.
  • Safe and Secure Society: The entry contributes to the construction of mechanisms, systems and morals appropriate to a society that protects human rights and respects the humanity of every individual.
  • Spontaneous and Sustainable Dialogue: The entry serves to build ongoing exchanges and relationships between corporations, design practitioners and clients, government, research institutions, NPOs, and citizens.
  • Passing-on of Knowledge and Skills to the Next Generation: Through disseminating universal design and knowledge about it, the entry serves to cultivate individuals suited to lead the next generation.

NB Any entries that:

  • violate public order and morality or any provisions of laws and regulations;
  • infringe copyright or other rights of a third party;
  • or whose contents the applicant refuses to publish on exhibitions, publications, the Internet, etc.;
shall be deemed unacceptable, and should this matter come to light after an award is granted, the award may be withdrawn.

Jury Panel

IAUD International Design Award 2024 Jury Panel, composed of the academic experts, UD specialists, and other knowledgeable individuals (an organization of fair and neutral third parties) will judge the entries rigorously and impartially.

  • Chair of the Selection Committee: Onny Eikhaug (Executive Board (Former President), EIDD Design for All Europe/Founder, Innovation for All AS, Norway)
  • Co-chair of the Selection Committee: Fumikazu Masuda (President, open house inc./ Visiting Professor, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences, Japan)
  • Advisor to the Selection Committee: Roger Coleman (Professor Emeritus of the Royal College of Art, UK)
  • Members of the Selection Committee:
    • Francesc Aragall (President, Design for All International /Founder, ProAsolutions, S.L., Spain)
    • Thomas Bade (Founder/Partner, Institute for Universal Design, Germany)
    • Valerie Fletcher (Executive Director, Institute for Human-Centered Design, USA)
    • Rama Gheerawo (Director, Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art / RCA Reader in Inclusive Design, UK)
    • Antika Sawadsri (Dean, School of Architecture, Art, and Design, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
    • Keiji Kawahara (Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences / Executive Director, IAUD, Japan)

Jury Recommendation

The jury can recommend good practices that deserve the award. Nominated applicants are exempt from the first round registration fee, but must pay for the second round registration.
For the fairness of the judging, the recommender must decline the judging.


The contents of the award-winning entries can be presented in the venue of the ceremony, and, following the official announcement, will be disclosed to the public on IAUD’s website, through reports, and by other means. Kindly note that copyright in all reports and publications issued following the awards ceremony will rest with IAUD.

IAUD International Design Award Mark use

All award-winning entries will be granted a free license to use the IAUD International Design Award 2024 Mark during a promotion period (one month) following the awards ceremony, after which the IAUD International Design Award 2024 Mark may be used continuously for public relations purposes upon payment of a royalty.

The IAUD International Design Award 2024 Selection Committee will present IAUD International Design Awards to those entries deemed to meet the judge’s expectations in Universal Design. All award-winning entries will be granted use of the IAUD International Design Award mark, which is beneficial in familiarizing people with Universal Design and promoting its ideals.

Conditions and provisions for use of IAUD International Design Awards 2024 mark, please click on the following link:
Conditions and provisions for use of IAUD International Design Award 2024 mark(PDF:274KB)

*For results of the IAUD International Design Awards 2023, please click on the following link:
Announcement of IAUD International Design Award 2023 Winners


1st Round

Applications for the 1st round of judging are now closed.
Download the prescribed application form from our website, fill in the necessary information, and then send the form (preferred format is Microsoft Word) to the IAUD International Design Award 2024 Division, Secretariat of the International Association for Universal Design by email attachment.

  • The language used on the application form may be either Japanese or English. (We recommend making entries in both languages.)
  • For each application, please pay 27,500 JPY as the registration and selection fee.
  • Please notify the Secretariat if payment of the registration and selection fee is to be delayed.
  • All expenses related to the application shall be borne by the applicant.
  • Deadline for the 1st round: August 31, 2024
  • For Application Form, please click on the following link:

Click here to download the Application Form in MS Word format. (award2024_applicationform_en.doc)

Click here to download the Application Form in PDF format. (award2024_applicationform_en.pdf)

2nd Round

Applicants who successfully pass the 1st round will be invited to participate in the 2nd round, along with winners from collaborating Universal Design award schemes such as those organised by the Design for All International, Barcelona and the Institut für Universal Design, Munich. If applicants will submit the following supplementary data for the 2nd round, it is requested to send them by email to the IAUD International Design Award 2024 Division, Secretariat of the International Association for Universal Design, and the explanatory data should be compressed to maximum 5 MB in PDF format, and if any, supplementary video data in preferred format MP4.

  • The language used on the data, etc. may be Japanese or English. (We recommend writing everything in both languages.)
  • For each application, please pay 72,600 JPY including tax, as the registration and selection fee.
    (*Please note that the second screening fee has been increased due to the changing economic situation.)
  • Please notify the secretariat if payment of the registration and selection fee is to be delayed.
  • All expenses related to the application shall be borne by the applicant.
  • Deadline for the 2nd round: October 31, 2024

Registration and application fee

For credit card payment, please follow steps below and finish such procedure until the closing date.

Please contact secretariat () when you pay the fee by the bank transfer. We will issue the invoice. Please make sure to pay the fee by the deadline.


Application period for 1st round Early May to August 31, 2024
Selection period of 1st round September 1 to September 10, 2024
Notification of selection results Middle of September 2024
Application period for 2nd round October 1st to October 31, 2024
Selection period of 2nd round November, 2024
Notification of final results Beginning of December 2024
*The award winners will prepare and submit presentation materials by late of January of 2025
Awards / Presentation Scheduled for February 2025

Address for forwarding documents and making inquiries concerning the 1st round:

IAUD International Design Award 2024 Division, Secretariat, International Association for Universal Design
*Data by Microsoft Word file will be preferred.

Please make your inquiry here (you will be automatically transferred to the Inquiries page).

Address for forwarding explanatory data and supplementary video data for the 2nd round:

  • E-mail:
*Data by PDF file and MP4 file will be available.

Download Application Form

Click here to download the Application Requirements.

Click here to download the Application Form in MS Word format.

Click here to download the Application Form in PDF format.

About the Application Documents, and Other Matters

As a rule, application documents will not be returned. The contents of application documents, including personal information, will not be used for any purpose other than the selection process. A review of the selection process will be made public including reasons for awarding the prizes to the respective award recipients and comments regarding particularly outstanding aspects of the winning entries. Applicants whose entries sadly miss out on awards this year will also receive brief comments from the IAUD International Design Award 2023 Selection Committee members as to why their entries were not successful. This may be helpful as a reference in preparing future applications. However, inquiries regarding any other matters including details of the selection process and about the names of unsuccessful applicants, and objections to the selection results, will not be accepted.
By submitting an application, an individual agrees to the above conditions.

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