Chikako Nishigori

2021.02.24 Updated


Photo:Chikako Nishigori
  • Professor, Department of Dermatology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine: Japan


Chikako Nishigori is Professor and Chairman of Department of Dermatology at Kobe University, where she graduated. She was trained as a dermatologist at Kyoto University Hospital. After obtaining her Ph.D. at Kyoto University, she joined Prof. Kripke’s lab at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Her major topics of interest are photodermatology, tumor biology, genodermatoses, and pigment cell disorders. She served as a president of Japanese society of Photobiology and Photomedicine( 20013-2018) and serves as president of Japanese Photodermatology Society, board of Japanese Dermatological Association. She has received “Edna Roe Lectureship 2014” from the International Union of Photobiology for her achievements on photobiology and “Seiji Makoto Award 2018” for her work on photobiology and pigment cell research.



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