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2010.09.01 Updated
News Release
(July 15, 2010 Release)
Publication of Information and Case Studies for putting Universal Design into practice -Facilitates understanding of diverse users during product development and training The International Association for Universal Design (Patron: His Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito) announces the publication of a new booklet UD Matrix: User Information and Case Studies. This booklet contains valuable information to for putting universal design (UD) into practice. With this tool, UD practitioners can get a clearer understanding of diverse users, differences in their physical abilities, and conditions caused by aging. The booklet also contains handy hints in design development. This booklet has already been widely used at design development worksites and as teaching material at universities where it has received favourable reviews.
Sales price: 1,200 yen (1,000 yen + consumption tax + postage). This booklet is only available through direct purchase from the IAUD Secretariat and is not sold at bookstores. AIUD offers a special discount price of 1,000 yen (including tax and postage) to students, schools, educational organizations, and persons making bulk purchases of 20 or more.
Secretariat, International Association for Universal Design
Tel: +81-45-901-8420
Fax: +81-45-901-8417
2-13-18-110, Shin-Ishikawa, Aoba-ku, Yokohama 225-0003 Japan