New about 4th International Conference for Universal Design 2012 and the 5th International Conference for Universal Design 2014

2011.05.19 Updated


The International Association for Universal Design (Patron: His Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito) is planning to hold the 4th International Conference for Universal Design 2012 and the 5th International Conference for Universal Design 2014 in the autumn of the respective years. At present IAUD is soliciting proposals for conference plans and venues and invites municipal government wishing to hold the conference in their localities to show expressions of interest.
* Applications for the 4th International Conference for Universal Design 2012 closed on July 29.

Following the 1st International Conference for Universal Design in Yokohama 2002, we have been holding international conferences every four years, with the 2nd International Conference for Universal Design in Kyoto 2006 and the 3rd International Conference for Universal Design in Hamamatsu 2010. In the future, however, we aim to hold international conferences every two years not only to discuss various issues in universal design but also to promote their practical application and share the results of our efforts.
The natural disasters that occurred in Japan last March significantly changed people’s outlook on values and lifestyle in general not only in Japan but also on a global scale. The experience of these events, we believe, will only serve to expand the concepts and domain of universal design in the future. To realize the restoration of local communities, promotion of industries, and rehabilitation of humanity, we believe that many local governments are already incorporating universal design in their policies in various ways and putting them into practice. To meet new challenges we face in further promoting Universal Design in the future, we need your ongoing support and cooperation.

If you require further clarification or have any questions regarding Universal Design, please do not hesitate to contact our Secretariat Office below.


Secretariat, International Association for Universal Design

Tel: +81-45-901-8420
Fax: +81-45-901-8417
2-13-18-110, Shin-Ishikawa, Aoba-ku, Yokohama 225-0003 Japan

Inquiry Form

* For details on the international conference held last autumn, please visit the official site below.

*For details of the international conference in 2006, please visit the official site below.

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