Release of "UD for Meetings"

2008.04.01 Updated


The Working Environment Project of the Research & Development Planning Division has been researching “Universal Design for Meetings” as a means of facilitating better business communication. We presented a report on our interim progress at activity report meetings and UD2006, and we are please to report that the booklet is now available for member use.

UD for Meetings

When we consider the working environment as a whole, communication problems are always an extremely important issue.

At seminars and lecture meetings, which are important venues of communication where a large number of people attend, various arrangements are made for information security, venues, and equipment. When the communication venue is to cater for a very small number of people, arrangements can be flexibly and efficiently made for the parties in attendance.

Meetings in work situations, which play a vital role in communication, are generally on a scale that falls just between these two types of meetings. It is at meetings of this medium-size range that we decided UD-type support was lacking. Our rationale in creating this booklet was to make people consider what kind of environment is an environment where all persons are in attendance and where these attendants listen to the opinions of others and are able to express their own opinions.

Composition of “UD for Meetings”

The first half of this booklet explains the background and concept for considering UD in meetings. The second half of the booklet presents solutions from the three perspectives of “humans” “machines” and “space.”

We hope that those who hold conferences, attend conferences, and who produce conference-related merchandise to read this booklet. We recommend that everyone read it at least once.

Three principles of “UD for Meetings”

For those intending to download “UD for Meetings”

The members of IAUD may download and use “UD for Meetings”-PDF version, “UD for Meetings”-PDF split version” and “UD for Meetings-Text version.” The contents of the PDF version and the text version are almost the same. Please use the text version for screen reader, etc.

We prepared this booklet after carefully surveying working environments and holding discussions with many experts and persons active in various working environments. This booklet is still in the developmental stage. To improve upon this version, we would appreciate receiving your opinions and thoughts.

To download “UD for Meetings” (Members Only)

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