バナー:IAUD国際デザイン賞2024 募集中! 8/31まで


スペインの大学とDesign for All Foundation合同開催 博士号トレーニングコースのご紹介



スペインの大学とDesign for All Foundation が合同で開催する、博士号のトレーニングコースについてご紹介します。

Master in Management of Design for All

The Central University of Catalonia together with the Design for All Foundation collaborate to offer a Master's Degree in Management of Design for All. Coordinated by Francesc Aragall counts with several international reputed lecturers.

By means of study visits, tools and methods learned, projects developed under each Module, on-line discussions and the final project, the student will be able to manage all aspects of the implementation of Universal Design in all areas of the public and private sectors.

The course consist in 6 weeks training in Barcelona along the year plus tutored home work around the areas of interest of each student.

Schedule: From 2/10/2017 to 15/06/2018

Addressed to: Civil servants responsible for the implementation of UD policies at local, regional or national level. Graduated in architecture, engineering, landscape, design, geography or social sciences willing to specialize in Universal Design with the aim of becoming managers or consultants in UD for administration or companies.

More information in: https://www.uvic.cat/formacio-continua/en/master/master-management-design-all-1
