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The 4th International Conference for Universal Design in FUKUOKA 2012
The 4th International Conference for Universal Design in FUKUOKA 2012

Dates : Symposium / Concurrent Sub-sessions 
October 12 (Fri.), 2012 — October 14 (Sun.), 2012
Exhibition in parallel: Open to public (for free)
Venue : Fukuoka Convention Center, Fukuoka Kokusai Center, etc.
Host : International Association for Universal Design (IAUD)

The 4th International Conference for Universal Design in FUKUOKA 2012 was successfully held on between 12 and 14 October. There were approximately 11,400 participants from 22 countries and regions during the conference.
We thank you all for your contribution and cooperation.
>>Declaration of UD2012


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UD2012 Secretariat
e-mail :
Fax : +81-(0)45-901-8417
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