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Declaration of UD2012

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The 11 March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant accidents tragically demonstrated the irresistible force of nature and the strong will of the people to surmount its ravages.

Knowing that in times of emergency all people face special challenges, we must return to the original concept of Universal Design that was to sweep away the things that divide us and create a world that we can all enjoy as equals.

For this, we need
Technology that will not burden the earth
Technology that will create a sustainable society
Technology that will not be a hindrance to anyone
Technology that will support the happiness of all.
It is up to us, to find a way to deliver that.
As HIH Prince Tomohito said: "You've got to stake your life on it."

A single person's strength may be small, but we know that together our power can be great.
We must therefore work closely together pooling our strengths.
Small as we are alone, joining in the concept of Universal Design we can each play a part in creating a safe and secure society for all.
We affirm and adopt these commitments at the conclusion of this 4th International Conference for Universal Design in Fukuoka.

As of October 23 2012
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UD2012 Secretariat
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