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The 48 Hour Marathon for Universal Design in Fukuoka

Location : Home The 48 Hour Marathon for Universal Design in Fukuoka Outline of Call for Participants
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Outline of Call for Participants

As this workshop provides an opportunity to work with designers from abroad, as well as designers from other fields, people with experience in marketing, and engineers, we believe that this is an excellent opportunity for all designers to experience first hand the process of developing new ideas and then presenting these ideas within the constraint of a 48 hour time limit.

Please take this opportunity to participate as an active member of this workshop. We are looking forward to your application.

Qualification for application

IAUD members, professional designers active in Japan and other countries, engineers, marketers, planners, researchers, etc. (all nationalities welcome)

Application period:

August 7 - September 28, 2012

Number of participants:

36 designers (divided into six groups)
12 student volunteers (divided into six groups)
*The application period will be closed when the fixed number of participants is reached.
*The IAUD will request persons to serve as leaders after the application period is closed.

How to apply:

Download the application form from, fill in all information requested on the form and e-mail or fax it to the IAUD secretariat office.

Contact the IAUD secretariat office if you need additional information.
Tel: +81-(0)45-901-8420 / Fax: +81-(0)45-901-8417 /

Fee for participation:


Note: The fee for participation does not include the cost of transportation and accommodation. These additional costs must be paid by the participant (incl. student volunteers).

Accommodation facilities:

Participants requiring overnight accommodations are requested to stay in the hotel arranged for by the IAUD. Information on hotel accommodations will be provided separately to workshop applicants.


The IAUD will provide color printers, copy machines, and part of the drawing materials and tools required for the design work (simili paper, Post-it notes, marker pens, masking tape, cutting boards, cutters, rulers, etc.). Participants will be responsible for providing the following items: laptop computer, digital camera, drawing instruments, sketch books, etc.

Note: You are requested not to use PowerPoint 2007 or PowerPoint for Mac due to incompatibility with the university's equipment.

Handling of Industrial Property Rights:

All copyrights pertaining to works produced in the course of the workshop belong to the IAUD. All rights to obtain patents, utility model registrations, and design registrations, and the patent rights, utility model rights, and design rights that are obtained based on those rights must be transferred or licensed to the IAUD. Pictures of participants may be provided at the time results of the design marathon are disclosed to the media, etc.

(as of September 18, 2012)
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UD2012 Secretariat
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Fax : +81-(0)45-901-8417
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