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Jennifer Jones

Landscape Architect : USA

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Yoshisuke Miyake

Landscape Architect : JAPAN

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Since its founding in Kyoto in 778, the Kiyomizudera Temple has been an important religious and tourism destination. The spectacular long distance views from the overlook are enjoyed year-round in all of Kyoto’s changing seasons. This beautiful landscape with views of Otowayama was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994. Kiyomizudera is also famous for the long, seemingly endless, stone steps that lead to the Temple. Although climbing these steps is understood to be part of the traditional religious pilgrimage, the way-finding and climb are difficult for elderly visitors or persons with limited mobility, language or sight abilities. This design charrette will explore strategies for improving each visitor’s experience, including access, interpretation and way-finding. The participants will learn about this important historical site of Kyoto, and how this same type of study could be applied to historically significant sites in other cities.


The goals of this charrette are to

  1. Introduce this important historic resource to Conference participants
  2. Learn what improvements the Temple managers would like to make to improve the visitor’s experience
  3. Identify the highlights of the visitor’s experience
  4. Use the varied resources, experience and abilities of the international participants to suggest ways visits to the Temple could be made more pleasurable, meaningful and accessible for all visitors
  5. Document findings for sharing with participants and the Temple management


  1. Meeting for introductions and background briefing
  2. Site visit in small groups
  3. Feedback Session
  4. Working Sessions
  5. Presentation at the end of the conference

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