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Takeshi Abe

Designer/ Guest professor, Aichi Sangyo University / Lecturer, Nagoya Zokei University of Art & Design: Japan

Taketoshi Abe was born in Toyama city in 1952.
He belonged to Mitsubishi Motors Corporation from 1975 to 2012. During that time, he was in charge of the passenger car design work. After retirement, he promoted sketch and design education.

He joined the Japan Industrial Designers’ Association in1986, afterwards, he conduct activities such as design related lectures and workshop. In 2010-2011 he was in charge of Chubu area director.


Delica Star Wagon   1986 Good Design Award, 1997 Long Life Design Award
RVR Sports Gear 1991 Good Design Award
Pajero 1991 Good Design Award
RVR Open Gear 1993 Good Design Award
Delica Space Gear 1994 Good Design Award
Challenger 1996 Good Design Award
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