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Yoko Takahashi

President, Japan Philanthropic Association: Japan

Yoko Takahashi was born in Okayama prefecture.

1969 Graduated from Toyonaka Junior High School and High School, Osaka Prefecture
1973 Graduated from the Department of International and Culture Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tsuda College
1980 Part-time instructor, English Department, Chiyoda Gakuen High School
1985 Completed professional counselor training course at the Counseling Institute of Sophia University, and received accreditation as a professional counselor
1985-1991 Provided counseling for students, teachers and parents as a psychological counselor for Kanto Gakuin Junior High School and High School
1991 Joined the Japan Philanthropy Association Became director in June 2001 after serving as secretary-general and managing director

Ms. Takahashi is involved in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). Her efforts focus largely on corporate contributions to society and her aim is to assist in promoting the "public good by the private sector" through proposals for cooperative projects between NPOs and government and by acting as an intermediary between sectors.


  • An Introduction to Philanthropy (Kainan Shobo) 1997
  • An Introduction to Active Volunteering from the Age of 60  (Nihon Kajo Shuppan) 1999
  • Welcome to Contributing to Society (Kyuryudo) 2005

Main Public Positions Held:

  • Visiting professor, Communication Study Center, Chukyo Women's University
  • Lecturer (concurrent position), School of Business Administration, Meiji University
  • Director, Machi Mirai Chiyoda Foundation
  • Councilor, Tokyo Council of Social Welfare
  • Councilor, The Japan Association of Charitable Organizations
  • Councilor, International Association for Universal Design
  • Administrative Committee Member, Tokyo Zen-i Bank 
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