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Declaration of International Conference for Universal Design in Hamamatsu 2010

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Declaration of International Conference for Universal Design in Hamamatsu 2010

The small ripple emanating from Yokohama in 2002 extended to the rest of the world and reached Hamamatsu.
Before the concept of Universal Design was broadly understood, it was generally thought that the needs of the minority should be resolved by special measures.
Today, however, we believe that individual needs should be equally respected and resolved by social inclusion through open discussion.

Universal Design principles have spawned flexible and innovative ideas and encouraged creativity. That creativity leads to outcomes satisfying to all by meeting individual needs and aspirations.

There are numerous issues we must resolve; uneven distribution of wealth, depletion of resources, environmental degradation and the need to build sustainable societies.
We must act boldly and without fear in the face of these challenges.

Over the years we have learned that respecting the humanity of each individual requires that we face global issues.
To do this we must build a social system that listens to and respects the voice of each person however quiet. This system must be shared globally and not limited to a single region or a country.

We are diverse. Our cultures are diverse. Our habits are diverse.
But we share a common humanity. We all laugh, we all cry, we all mourn. Through Universal Design our goal is to eliminate discrimination, empower people to celebrate their differences, to make one unified world.

We declare and pledge our commitment for the future of humankind and our planet earth.

As of November 9 2010
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