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Takuto Motomura

CEO, Granma, Inc.: Japan

Born on April 28, 1984. After high school graduation, he established a temporary manpower company in Aichi Prefecture. Due to growing interests in business after serving in management, he entered NY State University of Morrisville in January 2005. While in school, he walked all through from Dacca (capital of Bangladesh) to African continent (birthplace of mankind). From his wandering experience in that period, he was obliged himself to face up positive and negative aspects of capitalism. He then realized 4 billion people of so-called "Base of Pyramid" whose annual income is less than US$3,000 would become the potential market. While observing behavior of and voices from these people, he started business to supply product distribution and development that are reasonable and could improve their lives. In April 2009, he founded Granma Inc. He was chairman of executive committee for the exhibition entitled "Imagine another life through the products" held in May, 2010.

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