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OS-02: Keynote Speech 1

1/4 Miracle

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1/4 Miracle

Katsuko Yamamoto

Teacher at a special-needs school, author, essayist : Japan

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  I work at a special needs school. The children are very important friends of mine. They always inspire me and teach me things that are really important, such as that the feeling of liking someone very much is important, that it is wonderful to live, that each one of us is marvelous and special, and that each one of us has thoughts and it is important to communicate those thoughts with one another. I would like to tell you about these things through the story of three friends—Kaori, Yukie and Miyapu. Yukie had a disease called multiple sclerosis (MS). Yukie, who always used to say, “I will always love all of myself, including my MS,” left a will before she died. It said, “Katsuko, I want you to make the world know that diseases and disorders are important.” Through the support of many people, her hopes have slowly but steadily been passed on.

As of October 30, 2010
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