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KS-10b: Keynote Speech

Perspective from U.S.

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Perspective from US, Trends & Opportunities

Valerie Fletcher

Executive Director, Institute for Human-Centered Design: USA

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Fletcher will offer an overview of the evolution of Universal Design in the US, the country from which many of the foundational ideas for the global movement began. Patterns of progress have not been linear. Too little education is available for designers and other professionals. There is too little awareness among the general public. And universal design is commonly perceived as equivalent to the baseline of accessibility rather than as a fundamental way of thinking differently about design for people.

There are positive trends. The interest in sustainability began with 'green' (environmental sustainability) but has opened the way for attention to socially sustainable design and a focus on human health and wellbeing. Evidence-based design, especially in healthcare, is a strong trend open to a focus on the experience of diverse users. Good US demographic data helps to drive attention to the changing patterns of functional limitation among youth, adults and older people. The rising prevalence of brain-based conditions stimulates new research on features of environments, products, information and communication responsive to the needs of this complex and varied portion of the spectrum. Engagement of "user-experts" in participatory analysis and design is finding a new audience among businesses and institutions eager to differentiate themselves in a struggling market.

As of October 11, 2010
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